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Sion Mills Primary School West View Terrace, Sion Mills
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What is the PTFA?

The Parent, Teacher, Friends Association  (PTFA) is a group of people who support our school by planning, organising and running events for our children, families and wider community. These events raise much needed funds to provide opportunities, experiences, and resources for our school. 

Who can join the PTFA?

Every member of the school community is automatically a member of the PTFA and is welcome to attend any meeting or event. We all lead very busy lives, so you are not expected to commit to every meeting or event, just those that you can manage and at whatever level of involvement you are comfortable with.  Ideally we would love parent representation from every class for the effective communication to all parents, pupils and friends of the school.

You may wish to:

  • Have a position in the committee
  • Be actively involved with all meetings and events
  • Attend occasional planning meetings and events
  • Help out at events on the day

Your involvement, help and support in any capacity will be welcomed at any time throughout the year.